Professional Resource Guide
New Beginnings Educational Consulting, LLC>
Coventry, CT 06238
Ages 3-21 – Special education advocacy; Educational consultant; Evaluations; Social skills training; Individual (child specific) program; Inclusion (specific training); Behavioral non ABA; Parent counsel; Recommending specific diagnostics; Public speaking; Will attend PPTs with parents; Holding LEA accountable to provide appropriate services under IDEA and 504 plans; Family support; Information support; Counsels parents on their options, prepares documents for PPT, negotiates services with LEA, public speaking on IDEA — Former special education teacher who had a self-contained PDD classroom. Masters degree in special education. Have been in the education field since 1988. I have also done staff training for districts on how to write a measurable IEP. I cover all of Connecticut and the Springfield, MA area.