Professional Resource Guide

Ädelbrook Residential Programs>

Contact Person: Elesa Nugent Weaver-Bey
Phone: (860) 635-6010 Ext. 5740
Website: Visit Website
Address: 60 Hicksville Road
Cromwell, CT 06416
Ädelbrook Residential Programs

We do not take insurance. Our education programs are strictly funded by school districts and Residential is funded by school districts or DCF/DDS.

Ädelbrook provides licensed residential programming for young men and women diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities aged 12-21 referred by DCF, DDS, or BOEs. As a Qualified Residential Treatment (QRTP) Provider through the Families First Federal Initiative, we provide evidence-based trauma treatment and Autism assessment.

Residents’ multidisciplinary team includes an Occupational Therapist, Therapeutic Recreational Counselor, BCBA, and more. We aim to provide individualized treatment for individual growth, social skill building and successful integration/transition within their community and to a lower level of care. Programming in our homes utilize an ABA model to shape positive behaviors.

The Linda Reilly-Blue Respite Home offers weekend respite to individuals with Autism, Intellectual, and/or Developmental Disabilities. Our staff provide 24-hour total care for individuals eligible for the DDS Behavioral Services Program (BHP). The purpose of this program is to provide short term weekend relief for primary caregivers in a home setting in the community.
