Child Development Infoline – United Way

Business: Child Development Infoline - United Way
Contact Person: Shirley Caro
Phone: 800-505-7000
Address: 1344 Silas Deane Highway
Rocky, Hill06067

Child Development Infoline
2-1-1 Child Development Infoline (CDI) takes great pride in working individually with families to understand their needs, connect them to the best services available, and follow up to ensure their needs are being met.
CDI Care Coordinators are available by phone to help with:

General child development
Challenging behaviors
Disability and health related issues
Pregnancy supports
And more…
2-1-1 Child Development Infoline also serves as the access point for many of Connecticut’s programs and services for children and their families. For information on the various programs CDI can link families to, download the CDI Description Fact Sheet.



1 (800) 505-7000