Business: FAVOR
Contact Person: Iris Hellandbrand
Phone: 860 563-3232
Website: http://www.favor-ct.org
Address: 185 Silas Deane Highway
Suite #2
Wethersfield, CT06109

FAVOR, Inc. (FAVOR) is a statewide family-led, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that is committed to empowering families as advocates and partners in improving educational and health outcomes for our children. FAVOR is the Connecticut state organization of the Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. FAVOR offers a single place for families with children who have medical, mental, emotional, and behavioral health challenges to find information, assistance and training.

FAVOR’s philosophy exemplifies our key core values: family empowerment, mutual respect, accountability, and partnership. We use a wraparound approach that emphasizes the importance of the family and youth voice for achieving successful outcomes for children. Our mission is to empower families so that they can effectively advocate on behalf of their children, access family-driven and culturally sensitive services, and promote the family and youth voice in policy-making and practice.

Follow Us:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/FAVORCT